Primetime Midlands

Keep Active, Keep Healthy - Sessions perfect for Primetime!

Primetime will offer recreational activities, dance and keep fit classes to suit all interests. It’s a great opportunity to socialise more and meet new friends, whether this be during Zumba Gold or Pilates classes, or our Primetime Coffee and Book Club, and Primetime Social Games sessions.  Key reasons to become a Primetime member are:

  • Give you a sense of belonging
  • Enhance your mental health
  • Increase your self-esteem
  • Improve your physical health

Attend a taster class and see what Primetime is all about.  Lots to enjoy: Primetime Circuits, Primetime Pilates, Zumba Gold, Primetime Coffee, Games and Book Club.

Complete the form below to hear more about free taster sessions, social events and so much more with Mytime Primetime.

Primetime Midlands

Golf Member hitting a golf shot
Become a golf member

With welcoming atmospheres, great facilities, unlimited games of golf, great members and well-kept courses our great value memberships have everything you need to enjoy your time on the course. 

Breakfast - toast with advocado and egg
A menu for every occasion
Looking for a healthy on-the-go snack, a delicious meal to share with family and friends or refreshing post workout drink? Our menu has everything you need.