We are open

We are still open for business and here to support your individual wellbeing needs.

We are closely following industry advice from both ukactive and England Golf. Keeping active is encouraged and we will continue to monitor the government advice closely. Any changes to our operation or facilities will be communicated on our website.

Our teams are working hard to ensure our facilities are as clean and safe as possible. When you visit, we are asking for your help with the following;

Our Leisure Centres

? Wash your hands frequently and for at least 20 seconds
?️ Wipe down equipment before and after use
? Stay at home if you feel unwell or have a cough
? Keep your distance from others, ideally 2 metres (we have turned many machines off to help this happen)
? Avoid touching your eyes, nose and face if you haven’t washed your hands

Coronavirus advice

Our Golf Courses

Whilst at our courses, we ask that you follow the expert advice below to ensure the health of yourself and others:

  • Try to maintain a minimum distance of two metres between yourself and your playing partners, taking particular care to adhere to this on teeing grounds and greens.
  • Play in smaller groupings – ie two balls – to adhere with social distancing.
  • Avoid touching equipment other than your own e.g. flags, rakes etc.
  • Use your own trolley only and clean it before and after every outing.
  • Avoid common courtesies such as handshakes and embraces, offering a thumbs up or some other form of friendly greeting as an alternative.
  • Change your shoes in the car park to be able to avoid areas like the changing rooms.
  • Wash your hands frequently and for at least 20 seconds.
  • Please stay at home if you are in an at-risk category (aged over 70 years or with an underlying health condition) or have symptoms of the COVID-19 infection.
Children in swimming caps enjoying a swimming lesson
Swimming Crash Courses
Perfect for every swimmer, our swimming crash courses run during the school holidays and are great way to either start the swimming journey or make fast progress and go up a level in the pool. 
Our locations
Get started today. Find your nearest leisure centre, golf course, activity or programme.