Mytime Active Stories - Jane

Jane, 74, from Beckenham joined Mytime Active’s Primetime classes after retiring from her demanding career as a Civil Servant.

Here, Jane will share with us her wellbeing journey and how it’s important to keep moving once you have given up work.

Jane says: “I retired at 60, and although I was looking forward to having some free time, like so many people the reality of retirement can be quite isolating.  Working as a Civil Servant meant I had a large network and friendship group.  However, on retirement that inevitably changed overnight.

“I would sometimes wake up and think ‘what am I going to do today?’  Although I have a loving husband and family nearby, I wanted something for myself.  I wanted to find a hobby or an interest that would open me up to a new friendship circle.  Joining the ‘Primetimers’ made sense, as not only are the exercise classes sociable, I knew the activities would be beneficial to both my physical and mental wellbeing too.

“I first started classes at The Spa at Beckenham, but as my enjoyment developed I started attending classes at Mytime Active’s other locations across the borough too, including The Pavilion and Crofton Hall. Over the years I have benefitted from many different types of exercise classes including Aquafit, Dance Fit and Paracise, a gentle workout designed to improve mobility, flexibility and balance. But my real favourite is the Line Dancing!”

Jane currently enjoys six hours of line dancing classes a week, as well as additional Paracise and Dance Fit sessions.  She says: “I love it, and because all the classes are fun, you don’t think about how much exercise you are doing.  The line dancing teacher has great sense of humour and she works hard to help us remember all the choreography.  Although my memory sometimes falters, she always gets me back on track.  The music is great and there are smiles all round.

I’ve met so many new people and made lots of friends through Primetime, and I always try to attend the Primetime social gatherings, including the Summer and Christmas parties, as well as attending line dancing trips to the seaside.  The friends I have met through the exercise classes are a great support and together we often car share to the various classes across Bromley, as well as socialising outside of our leisure activities.

“The worst thing to do in retirement is nothing! My Primetime membership is a great reason to get up, and after I come home, after many hours of dancing and chatting, I feel I have earned a good sit down and a cup of tea.

I’d recommend the Primetime membership to anyone that has retired. It really does give you a great boost to your overall wellbeing, plus provides you with a whole new social network. Don’t retire and give up, retire and inspire!”

Mytime Active