Why December is the best time to be in the gym

Our Mytime Active fitness professionals agree that December is a great time to work out. Fitness experts Steffie Croxson and Lee White tell us why festive fitness should be a priority this year:

Get a head start on your New Year health kick

Plenty of us struggle to keep our New Year's resolutions, thanks to the size of the goals we set and the pressure we put on ourselves to achieve them. Get some training in throughout December to give you the head start you need to hit the ground running. Build your base level of fitness and the goals you set out to achieve will seem less daunting.

Make the most of quieter facilities

Gyms and fitness facilities tend to be quieter in the runup to Christmas, so it’s a great time to try something new. Especially if you’re a beginner, this is the perfect opportunity to take your time, get used to the equipment and find the best programme for you.

Work out and destress

The festive season can often be overwhelming, with pressures coming from all angles: time pressures as you try to fit in work and social arrangements, financial pressures of buying gifts. Make time to release some endorphins and destress with a workout. The benefits of exercise for mental wellbeing are well-documented, and this is another great reason to work out in December.

Struggling to find time for a workout?

Tapping into the current trend of shorter, more impactful workouts will certainly help. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) or express workouts are often only 30 minutes. Add some functional training and you’ll find that these workouts provide more than enough benefits to replace a longer workout. To find out more, talk to one of our Fitness Professionals about our TARGET30 classes. They're just the ticket if you need to make the most of limited time.

Mytime Active